Jen joined the Ulysses Club on 23 August 2000 and aligned herself with the Canberra Branch and has remained active with that branch through to the present time.
Jen has never been one to not be involved and soon was elected to the Canberra Branch Committee and served on the Branch Committee in the following positions:
2003 - 2006 - Branch Treasurer
2006 - 2009 - Branch President
2009 - 2010 - Branch Committee

The Canberra Branch was awarded the 2005 Ulysses Club AGM Event which was the second largest attended event held by the club with 5,000 members and guests in attendance. Jen was the Event Treasurer for this event which set many precedence's for the future Club's AGM Events, one of which was the compilation of an Event Manual authored by Graham Rule which lent on his experiences as AGM Coordinator at Canberra and the roles carried out by the many Committee members at that event.

At the 2009 AGM in Penrith Jen was nominated and elected as an ordinary committee member from 2009 to 2011. She then served as NatCom Secretary from 2011 to 2013, Vice President from 2013 to 2017, and then President from 2017 to 2021 when she stepped down due to the constitutional requirements of the Club. Jen's service to the club on the highest body in the club has spanned 12 years and has helped guide the Club through many difficult and challenging times.
Roles held:
   International Liaison 2009 - 2010
   Webmaster Coordinator - 2010 - 2013. Part of subcommittee to redesign Web and facilitated the process of uploading updated documents to the website
   Chair of Road Safety Committee
   Represented the Ulysses Club at state MRA and national AMC meetings and conferences
   Administered the MAOTY and club plate registration schemes whilst Vice President
   Managed the creation of the Ulysses Club Facebook / YouTube / Twitter sites
   Set up the new electronic communications bulletins eg. InterComs, Branch Comms etc
   Helped with the archiving of the Club's official documents and papers
   Oversight of the update to iMIS to a later version that was more compatible for the club
   Helped with the update and reissue of the Club's "The Ulysses Story" (writing the latest addendum) and "Handbook for Members"

From 2003 to the present Jen has been actively involved in either a leadership or management role within the Ulysses Club and would most likely be a record of distinctive service that has not been achieved before and has set the bar for future members to aspire to.
Another of Jen's passions has been motorcycle safety and road safety in general. In 2009 Jen was appointed to the Ulysses Club Road Safety Committee as the ACT representative and still holds that position. 

Life Membership was approved by the National Committee on 5th February 2022 and awarded at the AGM held in Warwick in May 2022

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