What a great week we have just concluded. The 373 members and guests who attended the Mandurah Rally certainly had a wonderful time. Well done to the team who ensured it ran well.  

Looking forward to seeing lots of you at the Armidale Rally in 2025. Save the dates, book the leave, organise hard accommodation if not staying on site!

                Armidale Rally: 24th – 29th March 2025 at the Armidale Showgrounds.

The results of the election for the National Committee conducted at the AGM, 23rd March 2024 are as follows:

President                          Allan Pratt #9186

Vice President                Dave Wright #51871

Secretary                           Lyn Tout #42397

Treasurer                           John Tout #42398

Ordinary Committee Members

                                                Dennis King #37149

                                                Blue Knowles #33140

                                                Lea Morgan #54938

We wish to extend our sincere thanks to Robert Hunt #51563. Robert has achieved some great work during his time on NatCom, in particular he has reconnected the Club with motorcycle manufacturers, reinvigorated the International Liaison and is currently working on a wonderful concept to have an annual ride for UCARF to coincide with the Rally each year. Well done and thanks Robert.

We welcome Lea Morgan #54938 to the National Committee. Lea has had numerous roles in Branches both in Victoria and Queensland. We look forward to working with Lea for the benefit of members across our great country.

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