Dear Ulysses Club Australia members,
Just so you know, all is well, ANZAC Day was remembered here in the Derbyshire Dales:
The flag went up at 1700hrs yesterday (Saturday), i.e. 0200hrs East Coast Aus time, so that it was ready for all the Dawn Services.

Well, this old country staggers on through one mishap to the next and Gray and I just lie low and keep out of the way.  Like many of us, um, older folk, we order almost everything in, only venturing out to the weekly market for proper bread and basic veg, shielded, masked and gloved to the hilt.  Fortunately we have a decent garden, which has kept us exercised and outside, and Gray has provided all our salads and greens since November (remembering that Nov is mid-winter), clever boy.

Our usual two months in Australia from February 2020 became seven months.  We hunkered down in the Victoria high country just off the Great Alpine Road.  It got cold, we’d come without warm clothes, so that was an interesting experience.  I wasn’t in a hurry to leave but eventually we had to face up to coming back to the UK, with no idea when we’ll get back to Aus.

Cheers to you all, and keep on keeping safe,
Steve, with Gray who is somewhere out in the garden growing my dinner.

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